Watched the movie 2012 2dae.
Rating that i give over 5 stars?
Its realli touching and realli documentary based with storyline.
The effect that it used, and the effort to build up this film.
just the production cost must have cost them a BOMB!
Though the movie is approx 2.5hrs long, you wont feel a single boredness in it.
Its a film full of climax, warmth and sense of humour in e least predictable part of the scenes.
As a pure geog student, i realli feel for characters and e things happening in the movie.
The quake, the core of the earth boiling and thus pushing thru e crust of the earth resulting in faults and shifting of earth plates. Eruption of the volcanos and massive amounts of tsunami flooding over the land.
Left nth on earth but a huge piece of endless sea and the onli land left?
Africa-cape of good hope.
You see ppl fighting for survival. this is when you see 2 situations at times like tis
1. 患难见真情-which means in times of crisis, you see kindness and warmth in the human hearts
2.大难临头各自飞- which means when disasters strike, the fittest survive and u fight for your own survival. who cares about others.
Questions pop thru my mind after that, which i wish to share with my readers.
Realli, if let sae for EXAMPLE, 2012 realli was "the-end-of-world" , the striking of all kinds of disasters,
who would be the first person you think of?
where would you be?
would you risk your life to save others? or would you protect yourself first till all comes to an end?
well, you cant be with ALL your loved ones.
but the movie, taught me a lesson.
since you cant be with all your loved once at the point of time of where you are when disasters strike,
cherish the time with them nw.
l0ve them and spend time with them when you n0e where they are and what they are doing.
you might n0t n0e who you are with at the point of disaster.
even at that point of time, the onli person for you to hug, might even be a stranger.
During the movie, at scenes of family being torn apart and loved ones being seperated, i felt a sense of warmth. NOT because i am a SADDIST!
But because my baby is still beside me, and i can still h0ld his hand.
haha OMG. jus one film and i gt so mani feelings towards it.
This shows hw good and how much i recommand U to watch it!!!